Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Final piece for my lithography class. It may have taken me a whole freaking semester, but I think I finally stopped sucking less so from when I started. This was done on an aluminum ball grain plate rather than a stone and I somehow managed to not only process it properly but also print it on the first go without anything horrific happening! Success! Granted Brian was there to push me aside and correct any fatal mistakes I might have potentially made, but let's ignore that for a moment and relish in the fact I finally have a decent set of prints. I also realized have no idea what teeth really look like. Details, details...

The lighting in my room is so terrible, I probably should have waiting until tomorrow when there's daylight. I probably also should have chosen a print that's actually apart of the final edition and not covered in fingerprints :\

Friday, November 21, 2008

Life Drawing

Massive dump of figure studies from my Life Drawing class. The quick gestural ones were done anywhere between 30 seconds-3 minutes, more finished drawings are between 20-60 minutes. I have come to realize that I am absolutely horrible at photographing artwork. Hopefully I'll get around to taking better images of some of these later.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Another forray into the blogoshpere. With any luck, I'll actually remember to post in it. Pictures should be up, if not soon, eventually.